Jordan Ringette Team (Armes)

by Chris



The years have passed by so quickly.....and we have built a million wonderful memories together as a team. We coaches have seen you grow from little girls to young ladies heading out on your own. None of us will forget nor can anyone take away from us the bond and friendships we have formed on this beautiful team from little Jordan. Together forever in our hearts. :)

Comments for Jordan Ringette Team (Armes)

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Aug 05, 2011
The Best
by: Lori Neufeld

It is so easy to take for granted the camaraderie and friendship that the girls and families on this team have shared over the years. Winning was fun but so was just watching the team play together both on and off the ice. It was a privilege to a part of this ringette family. We miss everyone already!!

Aug 07, 2011
by: Uncle Bob

I want to thank the entire Jordan ringette team,
(players & families) for all the friendships & good tmes or the last 11 years.
Since 2000 you have been my ringette family.
Saying goodbye to all the players and moms and dads over the yearsisn't the hard part, it's what we leave behind that's tough and I can tell by the tears that you will remember it all.
Thanks again to all.
I wish everyone only the best in their endevours & in the future.

Uncle Bob

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