We here at this website think Oprah is a Mighty Good Person.
So when we heard she was doing her final season of The Oprah Winfrey Show, thereby retiring her crown as the Queen of Daytime Talk Shows and moving in new directions off-camera, we thought that she deserved some best wishes from us.
So below is our open letter to Oprah, to thank her an hour of entertainment each day...
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by Jamila
Dear Oprah,
You touch our heart, we will miss you for rest of our life, we thank you for all your time to keep us entertained with your show.
You are unforgettable, I am crying deeply for you Oprah.
I want to shake up your hand.
I wish you good luck, good health.
by Ayesha Siddequa
(Dubai, UAE)
Dear Oprah
You have touched my life in many ways, like you have done millions on this planet (maybe other planets too).
All the best with your future plans.
I pray God makes more OPRAH's on this earth. We need it badly.
Allah be with you
Best regards
by Colleen Hopgood
(Port Elizabeth, South Africa)
Dear Oprah
Thank you for the years that you have been a welcome guest in my home. You have given me hope when I was filled with despair, you encouraged me through all the special people you interviewed on your show. I always rushed home from work to make a cup of tea and put my feet up to relax with you! I feel as though you are a friend, sister and an angel. The kindness you have shown to so many people over the years has touched me in a very special way. I cried at times, laughed and was amazed how you shared your wealth with everyone and always strived to assist those in need. You are a blessing to this world.
Enjoy your retirement, we will miss you dear friend!
Warm wishes
Colleen Hopgood
by Maudie M. Evans
(New Albany, Ohio)
Oprah you have been in my life for these 25 years. I will miss you tremendously. You have been an inspiration for losing weight, for giving me the desire to read more and be more knowledgeable. I have learned so many things from you. How to be proud of who you are and what you are. I will miss your 4:00 daily show. You are a blessed person. My sister and I had talked about being on your show and was never able to make it, but I thank you for the 25 years you have given us on your show. I love you. God bless you.
by Laura S Booker
(Montgomery, Alabama)
Oprah, you are that star that twinkled so bright for all people.
You gave us dreams to dream and we founded new hopes to hope. We saw someone that looked like us and that someone let us know that we have a voice.
That when the world says "No" keep praying because your "Yes" maybe just around the corner.
Thanks for pushing your self not to the limit but beyond the borders.
by Brenda Kemp
(LeRoy, NY)
Dear Oprah,
I wish you the best of all of it!!!! I have
looked forward to seeing you everyday the past 25 years--
laughing with you, crying with you, feeling for you and
your guests. I've passed through some major life changes
with you. Thank you for all you do and all you've given
back in your life and for being the example of love to
by Teresina
(Trinidad, West Indies)
In Trinidad & Tobago we have just lost our own local "Oprah". Her name is Allyson Hennessy and she died this week at age 63 years.
Oprah has a wide audience here and we will definitely miss her presence in our homes.
We wish her all the best in her future endeavours and hope that she continues to live life to the fullest.
parent of Kester who has autism
Thanks for showing us the true meaning of sharing, and bringing joy to all of us.
All the very best to you, always.
by Lorenza Clark
(Ft. Worth, Texas)
Ms. Oprah, if I spent the rest of my life trying, I'd still never have enough chances to tell you how much you have always meant to me...
There will never be enough ways to show how very much you are loved by ME, and how proud I am of you for your guidance for 25 years,
I Love You and I wish you the BEST.
Love Your #1 Fan Lorenza L. Clark, Ft. Worth, Texas
by Virginie
You've been an inspiration for many people.
I have always admired your generosity.
May GOD bless you wherever you go.
You're such a beautiful person both inside and out. To have come as far as you have and done all you have done for others, you deserve nothing but the best that God can give.
You giving back to others, not just those misfortunate, but those fortunate and blessed as well is truly an inspiration. I wish you continued success in all that you do and much peace!
A Special Friend
by Sanaa Darif
(Arlington, Virginia, United States )
We love you Oprah!!
by Shamima
(Palo Alto, California, USA)
Dear Oprah,
I have watched your shows and learned so much from them. This is not a farewell but an admiration for a person who has come soooooooooo far and achieved so much.
You are one in the universe.
You have made many so happy which you may not be able to count, directly and indirectly.
GOD keep you healthy and happy and best wishes for the future.
An admirer, Shamima
by Anne Kigo
Hi Oprah,
You are an inspiration, my role model and wish to thank you for your TV show which not only inspired me but made me believe in myself.
When you are down, you need to pick yourself up and move on, never give up!
Thank you Oprah for sharing with us and I wish you all the best in your retirement. Be happy!
Anne Kigo
by Lois Heater
(Philadelphia, Pa)
Hi Oprah
I have watched your show for 25 years and I will truly miss you being there everyday to lift me up with the goodness and kindness that radiates from your heart.
You have given me knowledge on a lot of problems along the way.
I love Dr. OZ now too and others who you gave them a start in their TV careers.
I feel connected to you and pray that someday I could meet you. I want to wish you the best in what ever lies ahead for you and may God always be with you. I want to say Thank You for being a part of my small life. You will always be in my heart!
Blessings Lois
by Sue Bassett
(Cape Town, South Africa)
I have watched your show on television for years, not every show by any means, but you were always there when I "needed you". I was always uplifted and in a better space by the end of your shows and appreciated and admired you for doing what you did with such ease and grace. All the best for your future endeavours - whatever you choose, it will be a success.
by Maria Flores
(Ontario, canada)
Hello Oprah,
My name is Maria Victoria Faith Flores. I am 9 years old.
For the past years I have grown up watching all your shows. It has really been an honor having you do all these wonderful things for those who have struggle in their lives.
I just really hope you can keep doing what you do, helping people.
I really hope God may be able to reward you.
And I hope you accept God into your heart. He is the way the truth and the life and I hope that you will make him number 1 in your life.
I really hope you'll spend God's Word, Bible, to others. Thank you.
Victoria Flores
by Gloria Baines
(Milwaukee, WI , USA)
Dear Oprah,
Since your appearance on T.V. back in the late 80's I had always wanted to be a guest in one of your audiences but things did not work out.
However, I want you to know the reason I started watching your show. While living in Tulsa Oklahoma in the late 80's, I conducted a weekly Bible discussion with an elderly ninety-five year old woman, whom I respectfully called Ms. Winfro. One day when I arrived she appeared excited about something. As soon as the discussion was finished I could see that she wanted to share something with me. She said, "Have you heard about this young colored girl who is going to give that white man, Phil D. a run for his money?" At that time I had no idea what she was talking about. Well, Ms. Winfro had an idea of how successful you would become and she had the biggest smile on her face as she just could not stop talking about you! I was focused on her every word and she encouraged me to watch your show when I returned home. (She even pronounced your name correctly as I later discovered.) I am very happy that I listened to her. Watching your personal evolution has been inspiring. You are beyond doubt The Queen of Day Time Talk. My friend, Ms. Winfro, has since passed away in death but, whenever I watch your show, I smile because I always think of her and remember how proud she was of you from the very start of your career. I am confident that if she were alive today, she would want to give you a grandma hug and say, "Thank you, my daughter."
I am very proud of the way you have carried yourself through-out the years. Pace yourself baby, greater doors you will open!
A brief tribute to Ms. Winfro from Gloria B. to Oprah W.:
"Oprah, may you have health and find genuine peace.
Thank you and farewell!"
by Bronwyn Taylor
(Sunbury, Australia)
Hi Oprah,
Sorry havent been an avid watcher busy girl I am. But I did watch the final show and by george you have it.
By God's Grace you acheive, being willing to fulfill his destiny for you.
If I had alot of time I could tell you my testimony, I have been put here like you by him, he who knew us before we were in our mothers womb. Who knows our end from the very begining and yes that small voice is the one to listen to and obey.
As someone once said to me one day that sums most of it up, be like Mary and without hesitation say "Lord let it be done unto me".
Have a love to do his agenda not yours and all will fall into place, he who makes the impossible, possible and you know Oprah. One thing I received in a very still moment the other night was "I am my FATHERS DAUGHTER, therefore I AM" this I repeated over a couple of times before the message was complete "Just like Jesus".
I pray so powerfully sometimes I feel the world move, spiritually that is.
He fills me with excitement and love, I am a very solid rock and he knows above all I will stand for him. In the midst of calamity, I will stand.
He is the alpha omega my begining and end what a love I have for him.
I am happy you have touched alot of people, what I get most is his message coming through you.
What I have learned is, its not I that lives but Christ that lives within me. I have learnt to die too self and you know what is a key the big one that is. Is when you loose yourself (or die to self) you dont loose but gain beyond measure. Best of luck with everything and you never know one day we could meet. I am not a person swayed by money or fame but as my Pastors said the other day I have proven myself to be a trustworthy and honest daughter, my reply is I will do as unto my father. Simple when you break it down, God Bless and Halleleujah Jesus YAHOO. :) Bronwyn
by Vineet Cornelius
(Delhi, India)
Dear Oprah,
You have been an inspiration in our life. You have encouraged us to express our feelings to others which normally we are scared to do, only to repent when it's too late.
Your show has given us strength and encouraged us to tell our feelings to others, which we strongly felt but found it very difficult to say.
This has made our life and relations with our family and friends very loving.
GOD bless you we will surely miss you on your show.
May the good Lord Almighty be with u,shower u with lots of blessings.......Farewell love u!!!!!!
by Lorraine
(Toronto, Ontario)
Thank God for placing you in a position to touch so many lives. You are truly blessed. I wish you all the very best and you will be truly missed.
by Margaret Doraisamy
(Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
Dear Oprah,
My name is Margaret and I am from Malaysia, a breast cancer survivour, who will be missing you and your show, I have learned a lot through your show and the advice and guidelines that the doctors give which I have followed and it was really good.
I hope one day God will give me a chance to meet you, or even speak to you because your show has uplifted my life and it has help me so much especially during my chemo treatment, your show and the doctors informations have helped me a lot, and I pray that God will always bless you, hope that if you have time do pen me a word in my e-mail: odelia_iz (at) yahoo.com.
I would really appreciate it.
Thank you and May God bless you with good health and your good work which has help many of us to have a 2nd chance in life.
Love Margaret Doraisamy
by Felicia
(Los Angeles, CA)
Dear Oprah,
Over the years your shows have been a source of so much knowledge. I am so sorry to see you go, but happy for you. Your kindness & your wonderful giving heart is just so over the top, that I can't even explain it.
Over the years i always thought that i would someday get to see your show in person. But that was not in Gods plan for me. I was told I have CHF and it is hard for me to breathe on planes. I had fun watching you on T.V. though. You are truly one of Gods blessings to all of us. I am going to have to fill that hour with something else. Boy what's a "sista" to do?
You have truly touched my life. There is no one like you, but I try to give when ever I can because of you.
Farewell "sista".
You will be missed by all.
At any rate I love you and will miss you.
Felicia Martin, Los Angeles CA
by Leslie Hess
(Mundelein, IL)
Most people are are satisfied if they touch/motivate a handful of other humans. You have touched probably millions. Your success inspires us all.
Now we need to pay it forward.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
by Patricia Norman
(Bronx, NY, USA)
You are such an inspiration and I watched your show at 4:00 p.m. every day and if I wasn't there I taped it.
Your 25 years on air have been uplifting and truly a blessing and to see your show grow from year one to 25 years I feel blessed. You are a remarkable woman.
You have made me feel that anything is possible just follow my dreams and don't give up!
You've made me laugh, cry and rejoice but must of all be proud of who I am.
I love you Oprah and I will be watching your Network. I wish you all the best!
You made a difference in so many people lives and should be commended!
Love Patricia A. Norman
by Barbara Wearne
(Sydney Australia)
Thank you for the years of advice, encouragement, understanding and wisdom that you have bestowed upon your audiences worldwide. A true inspiration to all of us.
We look forward to your next chapter in life - may you find contentment, love and peace.
Sincerely and with love
by Kate
(Fujairah, UAE)
Thank you for the many wonderful hours of love, laughter, advice, interesting incidents and not forgetting the gifts!
by Tosca M. Lee
(San Francisco, CA)
Miss Oprah,
You are One in a Million and the Best is yet to come your way.
May God Continue To Bless You! Like you have Blessed me and my Siblings and Family Members.
Tosca Michelle Lee of San Francisco, CA
by Olivia Pollard
This is the beginning not the end Oprah.
You will always be in our hearts some way somewhere.
I will always love you for what you have done for other people and what you stood for over the years. You are a blessing and that's why you are blessed. Hope to see you one day just to chat with you and to see you in person. You think that could be possible Oprah? I hope you will call me. My number is eight-oh-four-743-oh-nine-five-seven or my cell number is eight-oh-four-512-two-nine-six-three because I wouldn't want to miss your call.
I must close my letter now by saying congratulation on your endeavers and God bless you.You have really touch me in so many ways hope you never change.
Love Olivia Pollard.
Dear Oprah,
You have been someone I have always looked up to... you are an AWESOME person! We'll definitely miss you!!
A 12 year old girl who loves you.
by Manon Naidoo
(South Africa)
I wish you all the very best in life both in profession and in person for your new venture
A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full
moon on a dark night, and the road downhill all the
way to your door.
May good luck pursue you each morning and night.
Stay in peace
Adiós (Spainsh)
Au Revoir
Poyitu varugiren -Tamil (India, Southeast Asia)
Sala sentlê Setswana (S Africa)
Manon Naidoo
South Africa
PS: South African Television screens-"we will miss you"