About Fond-Farewell.Com

Hello, Welcome to the website!

Originally there was a team of us that had worked in a few places where the turnover was about moderate to high. Not to mention the fact that we have been made redundant a few times, or have quit work to travel or look after our families.

We've had a bit of experience with farewell ideas.

In some places, organising a farewell has been the most creative part of the job. Separation calls for a celebration!

Nowadays only one of us continues to be active on the site.

We owe this website to our nomadic lives , great pics from stock.XCHNG (see credits), and YOU - our audience.

We would love you to share your own stories, pass comment or ask questions - so...

Contact fond-farewell.com

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Image Credits
Thank you to the following artists who requested credit for sharing their wonderful images (from stock.XCHNG):

  • Daniel Jaeger Vendruscolo
  • Julia Freeman-Woolpert
  • Andrzej PobiedziƄski
  • Kriss Szkurlatowski
  • abcdz2000 via sxc
  • Fernando Mengoni
  • Margan Zajdowicz
  • Jonathan Ruchti
  • Ronaldo Taveira
  • Nick Benjaminsz
  • Chrissi Nerantzi
  • Mario Gonzaga
  • David Playford
  • Oliver Gruener
  • Claudia Meyer
  • Marvin Harrell
  • Dora Mitsonia
  • Marta Rostek
  • Jennifer Marr
  • Daniel Fahre
  • David Ritter
  • Kai Gieseler
  • Piotr Bizior
  • Erik Araujo
  • Alex Bruda
  • David Lee
  • miamiamia
  • mirofoto

And Freeimages.Com:

  • jenny.w

About Fond-Farewell.Com (Top)