Advertising Information
and Disclosures

This page discloses Fond-Farewell.Com's revenue from advertising for our visitors.

Dear Visitors,
This website is a personal site that accepts advertising and other forms of compensation, but such compensation does not influence the information in this site.
We always give our honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences.

This is not a "commercial" website, so there are few sponsorship opportunities.
We appreciate their recognition and support of this site.
Further, we are proud to be associated with them, and sincerely have a high regard of them as providers of high-quality goods or services.

One such company that we are associated with is SiteSell. We have used SiteSell's Site Build It! (SBI!) programme for this site, and are more than happy to recommend it. Should you purchase or receive SBI! through the advertising on this website, we may receive a commission for introducing you to SBI.

We have also used, Smashwords and (e-books and books) and (various products and designs), as we ourselves have used these companies to shop online.

Ads such as those by Google and are not selected by us, so if you see an ad about competing products or services, it is a coincidence.  We do not have complete control the ads that appear, so we do not specifically endorse any of the companies those ads represent.

The actual content on sponsored pages is independent of any sponsorship or affiliate relationship and any sponsored content is identified as such.

If you enjoy Fond-Farewell.Com, please support our sponsors and recommendations. Supporting our sponsors is a WIN-WIN-WIN for you, us, and them.

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