Farewell Speech Guidelines

So you've got to get up there and say something?

Well we can't help you with the nerves, but we can help you write a farewell speech!

Some tips:

  • Keep it short. Waffling makes it "all about you" when it should be all about them.
  • Keep it real. People can tell if your speech is sincere or not. Guess which leaves a better impression?
  • Keep it positive. Nobody will thank you for a negative speech!

More tips (and example speeches) below!

Farewell Toast to the Leaver

The best speeches will:

  • express appreciation for the leaver’s contribution,
  • include affectionate/positive descriptions of the person,
  • include one or two anecdotes that show why they are so appreciated,
  • express how their leaving will impact on the organisation,
  • wish them well with a presentation of some kind of keepsake or gift.

Read more in this detailed breakdown.

Is the boss a bad speaker?

Take control with the managerial speech guide.

Goodbye Speech from the Leaver

This is your last chance to make your impact, and address the whole group, so try to represent yourself well!

Sure, this is easy if you're leaving a great place to work. But what if it's a job you hate?

How do you leave on a good note? Read the details here.

No matter how you feel, you should:

  • describe what you got out of the workplace,
  • say what you will take away from your experiences there
  • mention why you are leaving and how you feel,
  • say what you wish for the company and the people left behind
  • wish everyone the best for the future and thank them for the farewell and for your experiences there.

Now that everyone’s finished talking, start eating!

Sample Speeches from the leaver

Funny work farewell speech - leaver

These have more personality and try to use humour - don't blame the words, it's all about the delivery!

Heartfelt goodbye speech

When you are leaving town and about to rip up the bedded-in roots.

Retirement speech

For your last day of your career!

It's not the speech that is scary -

just the awkwardness of the farewell party!

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